Mufti A. Beganskas met DIYANET and TIKA leaders in Turkey

The Mufti Aleksandras Beganskas visited the Republic of Turkey.

This year on February the Mufti Aleksandras Beganskas visited the Republic of Turkey. During the visit, he met the head of DIYANET for Religious affairs prof. dr. Ali ERBAŞ and the head of the Turkish Government Agency of the Eastern European Department TIKA dr. Mahmut Çevik.

During the meeting, the Mufti A. Beganskas thanked them for their continued cooperation and support in the frame of protecting the Muslim's community in Lithuania and the historical heritage of the Lithuanian Tatar community by organizing annual traditional festivals, publications and maintenance of preserved historical religious buildings (mosques).

The Lithuanian Muslim community has established cooperation with the Turkish government since the Independence of Lithuania. Since 1994 the DIYANET has supported various religious activities in communities and since 2014 cooperation has also been re-established with the TIKA. With the support of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Lithuania under the Ministry of Culture, TIKA supported the renovation project of Kaunas mosque in 2018-2019. The renovated Kaunas Mosque (u.k.1151) delights the participants of Community in Kaunas and all guests of the city.