Updates and recommendations for the pray houses

The Ministry of Health posted recommendations for the prayer houses

Taking into account the unfavorable epidemic of COVID-19 infection and the recommendations published by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania, for the prayer houses, the Lithuanian Council of Muslim Religious Communities - Muftiatas announces that:

  1. Mosque/Community administration to unlock mosques for daily rites and allow access to a limited number of believers and ensure a safe distance of at least 1-2 meters between people.
  2. To prepare in clearly visible place information about the obligation to wear protective equipment covering the nose and mouth, observance of personal hygiene (hand hygiene, coughing, sneezing etiquette).
  3. Hang a hand sanitizer in a visible place.
  4. Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (door handles, handrails, carpets, etc.)
  5. Do not attend religious services for people at risk: over 60 years of age, those with chronic illnesses, people with fever or signs of acute upper respiratory tract infections (eg runny nose, cough, difficulty breathing), or who are required to be isolated, isolated period.
  6. All participants in religious rites over the age of 6 must wear protective equipment covering their nose and mouth.
  7. It is recommended for the Imam (Muslim cleric) to limit physical contact with persons from more than one family, e.g. nikah rites (religious marriage).


Published: 14.10.2021